Roll with it

A couple of weeks ago I wanted to make a Milk Roll. I went to the Mermaid site, as is my wont, only to find that the site has gone. (Have Mermaid gone bust?) I Googled and I found a recipe at www.lavenderandlovage.comwhich I duly baked.  ETA: the blogger at that address has for some reason taken exception to being linked to, so should you wish to try the recipe and form your own opinion, you will need to Google for it yourself – try “old fashioned milk loaf recipe.” I disagree with her ideas on how the WWW works but who am I to deny a direct request to unlink. Duty done and I apologise, dear reader, for any inconvenience caused. 

The results were mixed and did not make me happy. The dough was very dry and stiff and the resulting loaf was very dense. It took longer, by far, than the recipe suggested for baking. On the plus side, the shape was the best to date and it turned out of the pan easily. As bread, it was a little deficient. It did make perfectly good toast, though.

Today I returned to the same recipe as it was already lying on the kitchen table. I did have extra milk to hand and at an earlier stage – it needed plenty adding.

I was feeling very uneasy after setting the dough to rise, surely the recipe has too much flour… Searching this blog found a post that I wrote when I first bought my milk roll tin and with great foresight, I had written out the Mermaid recipe in full. It is very different, using 100g less flour, milk in greater ratio, and baking in a 20 degree hotter oven. As I recall, it made a much better bread too.

The link to my earlier post is now up in the menu, where I can access it easily whenever I need it. Which may be soon – today’s bread has extruded from the tin in the oven and entangled itself in the bars of the shelf.

The Chestnut & Chorizo soup that I made for lunch was excellent – sweet and smoky. It was a Serves 4 recipe, so we will revisit the pan later in the week – I’m not confident about freezing this one.

My new boots have been delivered. I feel very girlie – it has been a long time since I purchased something so frivolous for myself.


Frivolity is good for the sole?

They have flowers on the sole!
They have flowers on the sole!

ETA Whoops – post failed to, er, post. Backdated to yesterday, when it should have gone.

One Comment

  1. spinninggill
    January 21, 2016

    I love the boots! 🙂

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