It seems so long since Mr L succumbed to his cold that I actually believed that I had got away with it. Not so, it must be a long incubation virus because it now has me within its grip. It began late on Thursday with a hot dry throat, developed in to sneezing yesterday and then attacked my legs. This did not deter Mr L from enlisting my help with that dratted awning – you know, the one we had to stop work on because he had a cold. No such luxury for me!
The awning had been cut to size previously so yesterday “all” that we had to do was to add the double sided sticky tape and make the seams. This simple task proved to be more challenging than we might have expected. Not a simple half hour job at all but it was eventually concluded and in the later afternoon, once the wind had lessened, we were ready to get out the step ladders and fit the thing.
I do not like heights and ladders at the best of times but with my knees already feeling like jelly, I can safely say that I was not at all happy perched on the step ladder, holding up the awning with a broom in one hand and the safety rail clutched tightly in the other (and all the while fretting about Mr L up on the vehicle roof)!

All done and dusted now however and pleased that is so. We can now plan a trip away, which would have been impossible with an Allen key jammed in the awning spring mechanism (a place-holder, preventing the spring from uncoiling whilst the old awning was removed.)
Where are we off to? Just to mainland Orkney for a few nights. I’m going to socialise. Yes, me. We’re off to the Camera Club annual social. Whatever shall I wear?!
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