The Management

A day on which I have the house festooned with wet washing is more than likely not the best one on which to be making a Kedgeree for lunch, now that I come to think on it. Never mind, it was just the rib-sticking job on a day such as this.

Ted was slow to recognise the presence of fish and that is not like him. I think he was just feeling so cold that he did not want to emerge from his furry igloo.

Overall, that cat has been a complete PITA since we came home from Wales. He has scarcely shut up complaining. I keep having to remove him to the other end of the house when Mr L has to take a call.

I’m bored! he yowls

I’m HUNGRY! he growls

Who turned the sun off! he yells

The World’s not moving!!! he bawls.


There is no shutting him up.

I am looking forward to going away again, just to have some peace.

Been out in the van just now, trying out that box for size. Not only does it fit both the top lockers and the larder, but it fits the top lockers the efficient way around. I may have to do a Lakeland order and get some more.

Luckily the weather remains  not conducive to raiding the caravan to fetch the remainder of the boxes in for reuse.

I really should crack on with bringing Two Snails up to date with the last trip before we go off again. Perhaps I’ll do a bit of that now.

My cold is much better today but I skipped spinning rather than pass it on. Clearly it can be a nasty bug as Mr L’s continuing sniffling and coughing shows. I have been lucky to get off lightly so far.

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