Quietly does it


We are having a quiet day today. The weather is helping – the rain comes and goes, with some sunny spells betwixt. Earlier we took Nell just into the forest and kicked a ball around for her but fundamentally we are both resting our sore bits today.


On the way home, Mr L began to make tentative enquiries about the OU. Perhaps reading my assignment for me last night has triggered something in his mind. I’m not pushing but I am excited at the prospect of us studying alongside each other. It would support me in establishing a routine and I would feel less guilty for being tied up when he wants to do something else. At least it inspired me to have a look at the modules available and start to put together a programme for myself. Contenders at the moment are:

Creative Writing, a module that I had an abortive attempt at ten years ago. With a fair stab at that,

Advanced creative writing might well follow at some point.

Worlds of English is really exciting me just now and I also fancy

Myth in the Greek and Roman worlds.

All this is very surprising as I had intended to flirt with Philosophy: Exploring philosophy

As ever, there are way too many interesting choices. First I must pass AA100 and then, theoretically at least, there is the other Level 1 course that goes with it: Voices, texts and material culture. Not that there is a requirement to do that before embarking on Level 2 or 3.

Also today, we sent for a trial order with Gousto, the boxed meal company. Our four meals should be delivered on Monday so next week we hope to be eating very well indeed. The link is an affiliate link – if you follow it there will be a subscription offer that benefits you and cashes out for me too.  Readers in Orkney need not get excited – Gousto do not deliver to the islands. Boo!

We shall evaluate and then we shall try the introductory offer from one or more competing companies before deciding on any long term plan.

No cooking today, we are revisiting yesterday’s soup pan (Spinach), so my day continues to be very low key indeed.

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