[su_box title=”Day Six : Polls Apart” style=”soft” box_color=”#5a889e” radius=”5″]Think of a knitting or crochet related question (it can be literally anything from favourite yarn weight or colour to which month readers believe they complete most projects) and host a simple survey.
Today I am asking you to come clean about all those UFOs that you have stashed away.
Click the button to get started.
How's your Project Fidelity?
That’s the poll-y part done, we shall think about the doodle-y bit in a day or two… (mysterious?)
Thank you. Look out for a blog post soon, dishing the dirt on all the unfaithful knitters and crocheters that we have out there!
Wow, it turns out I’m going through a very faithful period!
Good, girl – me, I think I am a recovering addict. Progress has been made and I have halved the count in the past month but am still into double digits
That’s a good poll – with some answers that made me smile.
That was fun even if I did feel a tiny bit guilty by the end.
Oh, dear, I didn’t mean to induce guilt
I’m dying to know if anyone can beat my guilty secret UFO count though
I’ve been working on mine…but seriously I have too many…
Great survey! I am fairly restrained these days with WIPS …
oops, I missed the part about the poll being a knitting or craft related – oh well, just making a poll was tough enough. Yours was great!