Right. That’s Dr Faustus dealt with. All done and dusted in just two chunky sessions. Mr L and Nell went out to find the top of Mark Hill yesterday, leaving me to get on with my studying and to rest my Achilles after our climb up to Moyle the day before. I made a tasty Cheese pudding for our evening meal, which served to remind me that I want to start a food section on Two Snails. That of course gave me a prod in the conscience area regarding getting our travels up to date. Perhaps if we see more rain this week I can do that.
It rained a great deal in the night and I had little sleep. Rain can be very noisy when one is sleeping in a glorified tin can.

Today we walked up to the top of the site (huff, puff) and into the wood and down onto the Muckle trail, in reverse direction to normal. We were aiming for a Geocache somewhere in the area where the Muckle and Jubilee paths coincide, on the Woodpecker Trail.

Nell has yet to display her Tupperware-seeking skills and simply stands back and allows Mr L to do all of the work. She will have to do better!
Geocache found, we walked further down the Jubilee Path and into Rockcliffe where we sat on a bench and enjoyed the sight and sound of the waves and inhaled the sea air. I have been missing that. I must say that I find Rockcliffe more appealing when the tide is in than when it is out. Mr L disappointed that no ice cream van was present.
The walk from Rockcliffe up to Colvend has little to recommend it on the best of days and once my Achilles had begun to trouble me, the walk lost its charm altogether. After shopping, Nell and Mr L walked home via Dalbeattie forest, leaving me to bring the shopping home on the bus because I travel for free.
I may draft my assignment tomorrow as rain is forecast and my ankle hurts. On Wednesday we hope to take the bus to Castle Douglas and have a nosy around “Food Town”. Friday we hope to finally track the fish van down by walking into Dalbeattie where the van spend the entire morning on a Friday. Saturday morning we’ll trot over to Colvend again for the Produce Market, perhaps doing a couple of Geocaches on the way home.
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