I received a mystery parcel on Christmas Eve. A blue bag, from The Yarn Yard. Nothing I had purchased… it was marked not to be opened until Christmas and I was a good girl and I waited.
Inside was this braid of Merino/Silk fibre in a wondrous dye job. Natalie does it again!
The photo needs to be re-taken as it fails to do the colour justice. Just think “stormy winter Orkney sunset” and you’ll get the idea. It is just beautiful!
But who sent it?
Whoever you are – thank you very much indeed. You are as extravagant as you are thoughtful. This gift is very much appreciated. If you want to make yourself known so that I can say my thanks properly, you clearly already know how to reach me. If you want this to stay a secret, that’s OK too.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I shall start to spin this soon, but not just yet as I have work to do on my wheel (fitting the Jumbo flyer)
Great looking site – and you’ve got the ‘previously’ and ‘next’ !
Yep – I’ll be working on improving the appearance of the navigation links, but perhaps not tonight.