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Today is Day 6 of Knit/Crochet Blog week and today’s prompt is:
Revisit a past F/O
Bring the fortune and life of a past finished project up to the present. Document the current state and use of an object you have knitted or crocheted, whether it is the hat your sister wears to school almost every day, or a pair of socks you wore until they were full of hole. Or maybe that jumper that your did just didn’t like that much…
May I confess that today’s prompt has me thoroughly stumped?  I really do not have any interesting stories to tell. Will a horror story do instead?
Once upon a time, I was the very fortunate recipient of a RAK package — a most generous package, inside of which was included a quantity of Mirasol Hacho. It was very beautiful yarn in shades of blue, pink and purple. I made a pair of Anne Budd’s Ambrosia Socks and they too were very beautiful…

…for approximately 3 days, and then they were very small and felted beautiful socks. It must have been a moment of madness when I fed them to the washing machine.

Sadly, they were extremely small and very densely felted. There was no hope for them.
What became of them? Well, I cut one of them up and used a piece as a base for an experimental piece of needle felting. The other remains as testament to my innate ineptitude and stupidity.
You may rest assured, dear reader, that I now check my laundry pile very carefully indeed — and then I double check it, before loading the washer. So, how come I tumble dried another hand knitted sock this week, eh?
The Eight Ply Purple Needle Eater
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Oh a sad story! I’ve done the same I must admit, I chopped the feet off and used them for felted wristers!
Happy KnitCroBlo week!
Oh no!
My other half is always putting his socks through the hot wash – luckily they have held up OK in the yarns have used. Not quite as pretty a yarn as this!