Don’t forget that all this week we have a small giveaway in operation – leave a comment on this post to be in with a chance.
Today is Day 3 of Knit/Crochet Blog week and today’s prompt is:
One Great Knitter
Write about a knitter whose work (whether because of project choice, photography, styling, scale of projects, stash, etc) you enjoy. If they have an enjoyable blog, you might find it a good opportunity to send a smile their way.
Great heavens, is it Wednesday already?
There is a fairly good chance that the content of this post will come as a surprise to nobody. I imagine that there is a substantial probability that more than a few bloggers today will choose the same knitter as I am about to. There would be several good reasons for this: my knitter is also a spinner and a knitwear designer, a true fibre lover and connoisseur, and a superb photographer.

You have surely guessed by now that my choice for this entry is Jared Flood of Brooklyn Tweed. Given the choices above (project choice, photography, styling, scale of projects, stash) it had to be Jared — because he hits all the buttons. I cannot help it. I love every single thing that he knits. I covet his stash — especially his handspun yarns, and I envy his vision — especially where he marries tweedy handspun yarns with large gauge projects such as the Hemlock Ring blanket.
Of his own designs, who would not love the Cobblestone Pullover, the Koolhaas hat, or the divine Girasole? Particularly as his patterns are so clearly and exceptionally well presented; he is a true professional.
Jared is clearly sympatico with fibre and he has a true talent, a real knack, for bringing out the simple beauty of knitting and fibre by marrying the two together in perfect harmony in every project that he picks up.
Not for one moment, do I believe that anybody reading this has yet to discover Brooklyn Tweed  but just in case, here is the URL
Go feast your eyes…
Now, on the assumption that you already visited 47 blogs all advising you to take a look at Brooklyn Tweed… here’s a bonus knitter for you: Natalie Fergie at The Yarn Yard – dyer par excellence and keeper of a lively and interesting blog. Natalie is also the brains behind p/hop.
To read more responses to this prompt, click here
tagged with: knitcroblo3
Hello there
I’m allmost afraid to admit, that I’ve never heard of your favorite! Mayby that’s because I haven’t knitted for more than a year, and now of course I have to check him out.
Thanks for charing and isn’t this a fun way to learn about bloggers too??
Have a nice day
Welcome to the blog, Henriette
I am sure you will see why Jared is a Superstar among the firmanent of knitters
Do come back and let us know what you think of him after your visit to Brooklyn Tweed!
I think Cobblestone is the only pullover pattern for men that I’ve seen so far that men would actually wear! There are gorgeous patterns out there, but I doubt any man would consent to be robed in them… Kudos to Jared for achieving both in one!
My sentiments entirely, though I must be about the only woman blessed with a DH who isn’t enticed by Cobblestone. I SO want to make it for him, but he doesn’t like the neck. I told him he can have any neck that he wants, but he lacks the vision I think. He needs to see a picture of THE elusive sweater and say “I want THAT one!”
That said, he really likes the DROPS sweater that I made for him – no round neck, you see.
I knew more about his photography than his needlework, so I’m glad you wrote this. So good to hear about men who knit! There can never be too much attention given that topic.
Yes – men who do knit tend to outclass many of we women. It’s s shame that more men don’t have a go. It’s soft engineering when all is said and done (think about turning heels and other short row stuff), and lots of maths involved. The intricacy of lace seems to be especially appealing to men, despite it’s accepted face of feminine and girly frills.
Mmmm. I feel a post coming on. Maybe a Monday Muse! LOL