The sun was already warm when I trotted down the track with the rubbish bags this morning. It was glistening off the grass, bejewelled by a heavy dew. Skylarks and snipe were on the wing and there was not a breath of wind. What a wonderful day. Far too nice a day to be going to spinning group I think, and I should like to be out with my camera today.
I suggested to Mr L that we take morning coffee outside. He agreed, then noted that he is in a meeting from 10:30 until 11:30. Ho. hum.
Not long now until all that kind of thing is done with. Well, when I say “not long” – Mr L gave notice of his retirement resignation on Friday. He has to give 3 months notice, and then the retirement programme is 2 years in duration. From September he will be working 4 days a week. The following September he goes on to 3 days a week and the year after that he retires fully. It’s a long path but spirits are already lifted around here. Will they remain lifted when our income takes a cut later this year? We shall see.
It was a very kitchen-y kind of a weekend. I made focaccia, pasta (7 eggs disposed of) and a fatless sponge (3 more eggs gone) and used up the stray egg whites in a double batch of raspberry macaroons. Sadly the latter were a bit of a disaster zone; undercooked at first, so I put them back and forgot about them until after they had turned brown.

There was good cheese this weekend, from Kirkness & Gorie: a soft Pecorino, a wine-washed firm goat’s cheese and a Wensleydale Reserve. I also bought some fresh pesto and olives, so dinner was a simple matter of the afore-mentioned pasta with the pesto and the focaccia (into which I had put some proscuitto) with a caramelised red onion topping and a rocket salad. A nice bottle of Rioja washed it down.

The pasta was in the form of Pappardelle. I lay the leftovers out, still dressed with the pesto, to dry a little overnight and then cut the strips up into pieces and baked them until crispy – hence some very tasty nibbles for drinks. I am still congratulating myself on that idea.
There was some photography too, but that’s under wraps for now. I also had a first attempt at core spinning on the Country Spinner. Hm.
It was not a restful weekend and we both felt that we needed more time in it. I seemed to spend much of my time in drafting my blog posts for Knit Crochet Blog Week. Unfortunately those posts are for the Sanday Spinners Blog. I doubt very much that there will be time to do double duty over here this time. Gill is off on holiday again and the week previous to KCBW is MUMS Puzzle Hunt. Not only shall I be short of time and energy but I am struggling to fulfill the prompts even once, let alone twice. They inspire me little this year. Perhaps too prescriptive? Anyway, I’ll see what I can come up with once I have my full set drafted for over there. I promise nothing.
Best get on. Just wanted to check in here in case time gets away with me later. I’ve not had my morning shower yet, nor my breakfast and the dogs require feeding too.
I’ve not even looked at the KCBW prompts yet, beyond noting they were there.
Heck, I’ve not looked at the blog in about 4 months.
You have every reason not to be organised for KCBW, Liz. Me, she said smugly, has every reason to be organised and have in fact seven pristine posts with scheduled posting dates upon them. Could do with a few more photos, but I’m getting there.