Now, there’s nowt much posh about us, as we all know. I’m common as muck, really. ((Which reminds me of a funny tale about a hairy-arsed firefighter of my acquaintance… who thought that I was a posh bird until he found out I had rellies in Ryehill and Havercroft.))Â ((What is even funnier is that I grew up believing that they were posh rellies because they lived in semi-detached houses with green fields around and we had a 2 up 2 down back to back in a slum district of a Grim Northern City))
All the same, there has been a little bit of posh in my life recently: The Posh Cowl is finally finished, washed and dried…. and also photographed! No modelled shots, yet – I need a willing victim. (Gill?)

I’ll write up the pattern, test knit it, and then make it available if anyone is interested.
This cowl used just under one skein of Posh Yarn‘s “Sophia” 4ply cashmere sock yarn – 200 yards, but could be knit shorter, mine is quite a tall cowl. I used 4mm needles.

I think that the size could be easily adapted…

Requires: knitting in the round, knit, purl, k2tog, ssk, lifted increases, sewn cast off.
Will Saturday do?