Right. 6KCBW is all over and done with. It has been amazingly time-consuming and there are signs of neglect around here. I must set to, buckle down, show willing… whatever.
Overall I had fun. It was good to meet some new-to-me bloggers. Numbers seemed to be way down this year though and I think without Mimi’s guiding light that is understandable. I wish her well and hope that her health and pregnancy go forward with fewer difficulties. It must be a worrying time.
My experience here included being somewhat unhappy with the way that my current blog theme displays my images.
Today I shall mainly be continuing with packing up this room (though I confess to very low spirits about it and an inability to bestir myself) but in between whiles I shall be testing out alternative WordPress themes. I might as well dust everything off whilst I am at it.
I am not fond of the “c” word but Spring does seem to be here at last and use of the mop and bucket may well be indicated.
If you want to suggest good free themes that are very customisable and show off images well – I am all ears!
I apologise if things get a little flaky during the experimental period.
This theme’s been an interesting way of viewing your photos, but I can understand your frustration.
Putting in a plea for whatever theme you choose in the long term to have a “next post” button.
Yes, I can’t believe there is no in-post navigation. No threaded comments either by the looks of it