Generally feeling out of sorts this week. Not achieving very much and feeling rather unproductive.
I’m writing this Saturday Scramble on Friday evening, with a firm resolve to get busy this weekend. Today has been glorious — a real foretaste of Spring. I’m hoping to be blessed with more of the same for the weekend and be able to be out and about.
Right – on with the random bits!
- A very large parcel arrived from Approved Foods on Friday. Much hilarity was provoked by the item that Mr L had not been expecting. I had included a £1 lucky dip box in the order. This is what we got for our pound:
sweeties, pop, juice, milk shake, crisps, peanuts and snacks – click for a larger image to see the full calorific horror. My favourite has to be the Marmite cereal bar!
- The chooks have to be cleaned and sanitised this weekend. Poor weather has prevented proper cleaning in recent weeks.
- Said chooks are now providing 5 or 6 eggs a day
- There will be Cheese Soufflé this weekend
- I am desperate to complete my Gördes socks by the end of this month, but only make short progress each time that I sit down with it. At the time of writing, the gusset is not yet complete on the second sock.
- Knitting on the Ruffled Fichu this week made me very happy
- There are DIY plans afoot for the Windswept Acre and holiday has been booked for that purpose
- The sitting room is full of loom
- I am not sure what to do about 8
- Seeing the loom in front of me all the time has reminded me that I want to weave some curtains (is the woman mad?!)
- I’m thinking hand-dyed raw silk for the curtains?
- I am inspired to tackle the (rather grandly named) “conservatory” with vacuum, mop and brush.
- You would not believe the reason behind 12
- The UFO list is reduced from 41 to 31, mostly by virtue of frogging and other project-removal mechanisms. UFO Reduction update post follows after month end.
- 31 UFOs feels almost sane by comparison to the original 41
- 31 UFOs are almost few enough to actually fit together in a single storage space…
- I feel that the Weather Gods are conspiring against me in warming things up especially so that I cannot use my new Clapotis
- Something has gone Horribly Wrong with the homebrew
- Words can not express just how keenly I am looking forward to reclaiming the space currently occupied by carpet tiles in my playroom…
- …and how little I am looking forward to the physical act of painting the hall walls…
- …but anything has to be better than the ridiculous pomp and expense of a Royal Wedding
- How do you retrain a cage-trained dog to sleep without its cage?
8/9 must go open-plan then
12 that’s a lot of implements for a GRANDLY named conservatory!
18 Sympathy – our pressure barrel cracked and drained over the contents of the airing cupboard LOL!
Come pick up the spare pressure barrel in the grandly named conservatory (must buy some plants for it).