And so it continues

The old back seems much improved today so I think we shall put that one down to sleeping in a poor position. All the same, I hope to be on the treadmill later and intend to stretch those muscles out a little.

The laundry goes on and on. It’s not too damp this morning so I have three loads on the line. one more in the machine and several sorted on the floor ready to go in. I have been in and out of the van, bringing things in, taking dry washing out and removing any traces of food to prevent any rodentĀ incursions. All this and I have yet to brew up my elevenses. Not surprising, as I write this at 10:30 am šŸ™‚

Remember a while back I was happily declaring myself cured of Facebook? Cured I may be but it soon turned out that abandoning FB was never going to work. For one thing, I recently paid my subs to join the photo Society and they communicate via FB, for another FB is the simplest and easiest way to book a seat on the Community Bus. So it looks as though I am stuck but I am attempting to be disciplined in how long I spend on there and what I do when I am logged in.

This morning I saw a post on FB asking for software developers for a startup in Kirkwall. Aha, I thought to myself, I know somebody with that exact skill-set. He has over 30 years development experience, the vast majority of those spent working independently at home. What a catch that would be for them. Alas, he insists that he is retiring. Ah, weel.

I am bored and irritable today. I need to find something exciting orĀ challenging to do. Ā Doughnuts have won the vote but I think that time may be in short supply today and they may never appear. We shall see.

You may have noticed that recent posts have not referred to knitting at all. There is a reason for that. I knitted not a single stitch while we were away, nor have I done any knitting since we came home. While we were travelling, I had hold of the cat. In the evenings we lingered over our evening meal and retired early. Since coming home I have been reviewing my photos and writing up the trip when not actually doing laundry/cooking/turning the van around. There just has been no time to knit! Looks like being another clear week or so before there is.

Today’s major source of irritation is idiot stranger males on Skype attempting to get me to add them to my contacts. I am receiving around half a dozen of these a day since IĀ reverted to using my personal Skype account rather than the Sanday Spinners one. There were three in the past ten minutes. This in spite of the fact that my profile says “If I don’t know you in Real Life, I will not be adding you. Persist and I will report.” So I am simply reporting them all as Spam and blocking them but I do resentĀ the time spent in doing so. Mostly I resent the alerts attracting my attention and turning out to be a further waste of my time.

Grump, grump, grump.

We called in at Kirkness & Gorie on our way home last week and among other things bought some fresh Pesto. I shall be deploying it today in a simple meal of pesto-dressed pasta topped with grilled chicken and aided and abetted by a green salad. So, hardly any work involved in lunch prep today. That should leave me time to put another load of laundry on. Oh, the joys….

Oh, look, almost 11:00. I can make coffee. Good. I don’t have a featured image for today. Shall I attach another holiday snap or put thi spost aside until I have a pic from today? I think I shall opt for laziness…

Oh, gosh, I can see some blue sky. Perhaps the washing will dry today after all.

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