I am back – kind of. I got most, but no means all, of the work that I wanted to do, done. Still plenty to do but I need a break for a while, if only to rest my arm – which is in a support bandage from fingers to shoulder today. Please excuse me therefore if I don’t remain here for long. Am just firing up email for the 1st time since Monday morning and it’s taking a fearful long time to collect. I shudder to think…
Anyway – there’s nothing to report – no progress on WIPs etc, though I did knock off a quick hat in bed last night. More of that when I can take photos.

For the curious – the matter that is keeping me away is the production of a book to go with a CD that the Sanday Development Trust has produced. Called Sanday Voices, it is part of an Oral History project. The disk is pressed – I have a copy here at my side (and am thrilled with my first design job!) But the book is lagging and needs all the attention that I can give to it – which won’t be much if I don’t get on and rest my arm. I’ve completed the scanning of images from our photo archive – it took me two and a half days to do that job alone! Some of the text is more or less completely edited, other parts less so. The cover is to do, but will be fundamentally the same as the disk design – so not a lot of work needs to be done there. All the same… still a mountain to be climbed…
…and so, I must leave you once again – and rest this damn arm of mine.
Back next week. I hope by then that I can say that the book is ready for final editing!