I have a brief hiatus, while waiting for comments to come back from our “fresh eye” proof-readers. Last night I took the opportunity of tidying my desk a little. That was when I found all those little reminder notes… This morning I reviewed the house. Oh, my…
I had this vague idea that when the book was finished I’d be able to (a) knit and (b) get out and about and take some exercise. I’ve actually put on 4lbs in the last few weeks of being desk-chained. Neither a or b seem likely to happen for a while.
The house is a tip. The kitchen is, well, a horrible, disorganised mess… there is a laundry monster in the bedroom, too. On my desk there is Important Stuff awaiting my attention. Not to mention a whole string of requests for web updates and developments from various directions. E-mail is backed up as far as I can see – and that’s a long way.
On Monday I am hosting a visit from a Raveler spending a few days on the island. And I have to fit in a trip to Kirkwa’ soon. Very soon.
All I really want to do is to spend quiet time alone with my Laminaria, and get that beast sorted! Well, that and wander along a sandy bay with by collecting bag and my camera. And ride about on my bike a bit. And spin some yarn. And cast on another PS4North project or several. Oh, and make some time for long-suffering Mr L – who is getting reheated beans for his lunch today. Poor man. I do neglect him. He got more out of me when I was going out to work for a living! Perhaps I should complete his sweater…
First things first – there’s a load of washing on, so we may be able to change our clothes soon
The Alpine Butternut is dry. I shall do FO shots as soon as I am able. For now, I return to those reminder notes on my desk.
There is no knitting progress to report. None.
Oh, and I seem to have hurt my back. No idea when or how. It just hurts.