The very last drop of my recent windfall went on these, from Violet Green‘s Sale and Bargains page:
Laceweight merino at £7.49 each 100g 725m skein – targeted at this
The Autumn Arbor stole from Anne Hanson at Knitspot. I have some sort of freakish idea that this item will be completely knitted by August next year…
… yes? ah well, maybe pigs will sprout wings and fly by then too.
and, just to get the free postage, one final bargain:
Cashmere 2ply. 55g and 366m. No plans. Truly purchased just to get my basket up to free postage level. This is the same yarn that my Petra-fied Hand warmers are being knit in (for certain values of “being”) and it’s delightful. Totally sumptuous. I may have a vague notion of a second pair of hand warmers here, but had better knit the first ones first. Or maybe a nice cosy cloche hat? Something very special anyway, as it was reduced to a “mere” £7.99! I could look sideways at that and deduct the £1.75 p&p that I “saved” – or rather, allowed me to buy this skein for just £6.24 instead of the normal price of £9.99. There now, doesn’t that feel better? Even though I didn’t actually need it… *blush*
In my defence – the blues are very pretty and the yarn is very strokeable