Another parcel of yarns arrived today – this one from Jacky (aka Ravelry user hadenmaiden). Serendipity struck and one of the yarns turned out to be just exactly what I needed next.

This blanket makes me smile so much – I love the parcels and the kindness of strangers, and I love the knitting process and selecting the yarns from the stash. I was considering renaming the Ferry Blankie as the Community Blanket as it seems at times that the entire kntting community is getting behind the project! I have given that some more thought and have arrived at a different naming strategy.
As you will have picked up, if you are following this epic journey of mine – I am donating to p-hop for the yarns donated to the blanket. The yarns are coming in from just about everywhere, and I plan to send unused yarns on to other blanket destinations.
I am renaming the project as The Blanket Without Frontiers. BWF for short.
Seems appropriate?
Also in today’s post: Fimo polymer clay, Tunisian Crochet hooks, Wireless router