A nice man came to purchase the YoYo scarf on Saturday. He scared the willies out of me by saying that the Annual Show was this coming weekend. Thankfully, it is not – it is the week after, as I had believed. The thing is… it made me realise that “under two weeks away” does not actually equate to “loads of time left yet!”
I got to thinking that, while panic is not exactly helpful, I certainly needed to get myself into a higher gear… and quickly. I also got tothinking that I have not prepared anything at all this year with the Show specifically in mind. That made me feel quite bad.
I believe in the Show. I believe that it should be supported. It is a key event in our social year. Somehow it doesn’t feel quite right to hurriedly gather together a few bits and pieces that I have lying about the house that just happen to fit into one of the classes on offer this year. I feel that I should make an effort. Actually put myself out and work for the Show.
So little time left!
I know that my grand plan to spin and knit a Catkin Shawl cannot come off – it is way too ambitious. I also know that I must spin at least two skeins, and preferably four, for the Show. We asked for a class for skeins and it is therefore essential that the class be supported. Come hell or high water, those skeins will be in the show – they may be rubbish as skeins go, but there will be an entry from this direction… somehow or other. Similarly, there must be an entry in the “item knitted from handspun class”, and for the same reason.
Seems to me that I should put myself out still and make something especially and that is not enforced by responsibility.
A quick reckoning showed that I had nothing lying around that would enter in the Scarf class, and so I elected to begin a scarf at the weekend.
I have long wanted to make Romi’s Waves of Grain scarf from Knitty. It seemed to be ideal for this adventure – simple, straightforward (I am leaving the beads out) and, more essentially, small. I would prefer to be doing some fine work but I decided to be sensible and use a heavier weight yarn. I looked at my 100 Pure lace yarn and bingo – I dug out a skein of pretty pale blue/lilac/pink. One of my favourite colour combinations, just like pulmonaria or comfrey… less blue than forget-me-nots.
It is making for a pretty scarf and it is, I believe, a happy marriage of pattern and yarn. It just goes to show that The Muse comes in many guises, and Desperation is one of them.
I’m almost halfway there – so close that this thing may not make it to WIP Wednesday. (sorry, no pics – we have a very dreich day today)
Cheer me on?
Ravelry Project here: http://ravel.me/plumbum/7c8mt
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