

I was thinking this morning that my first Future Learn course is looming and that I really should knuckle down, get my act together, clear the decks, and generally deploy for real as many over-used turns of phrase as I can. Then I got to wishing that something was happening. Some kind of indication that the course was gearing up. Most of all, I would like to be in touch with other students…

Just at that precise moment an email landed in my inbox – a “welcome to the course email” from the course presenter. Sadly the only prep required is to be thinking about what I wish to get from the course. That’s easy – mental stimulation! Sadly, no conferencing software has been released to me yet.

First up is The Secret Power of Brands, starting a week on Monday, and we shall apparently be spending the first week in interrogating the definition of brand. I’m willing to take my first stab at it now (and then come back at the end of the 10 weeks, to see if my understanding has changed.) Off the top of my head (no Googling!):

[note color=”#acc3ba”] The mark of an individual or organisation; a unique identity – usually deliberately constructed but not necessarily so. Not simply a product but a package of name, appearance, content, ethos and outlook.[/note]

How am I doing? Do I understand the concept of Brand as applied these days?

So, what is the WOOL | gathered brand, I wonder? I’d say “confused”. Needs work.

My email said ” I encourage you to discuss and debate among your peers – there are no right or wrong answers.” As there is as yet no peer communication for this module, I am inviting you to stand in for my formal study group. Of course, you could be fascinated by this topic and want to sign up and join me. It only takes 3 hours of your time each week (10 weeks). If Brands don’t attract you, there are plenty of other subjects and all courses are FREE.


  1. October 7, 2013

    I can’t say I’m that enthralled by discovering more about brands, except how to stop being manipulated by the power of the brand! Perhaps you need to say something in your definition about the purpose of branding, i.e. promoting loyalty, recognition

    Have you noticed the dates for SUMS puzzle week are up? We’re around for puzzling that week if you’d like to team up again. P has just finished working through the rest of the puzzles from Cisra.

    • October 7, 2013

      I have a feeling that “brand” is something wider than just commercial “brands” in the language that we grew up with. Charities have a brand. The NHS is a brand. Labour, Lib/Dem, Conservative are brands too… I think. I’m looking forward to finding out and on the manipulation thing – well the more we know, the more we can resist!

      Thanks for the heads-up on SUMS. No wonder I had not seen it, it’s under 2012. I’m sure we would love to team up. Your chap is a bit of a glutton for punishment, eh? 🙂

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