My copy of 101 Designer One-Skein Wonders has arrived.
Not exactly stuffed with desirability but one or three useful patterns for ‘is fiver – and the only way that I could get hold of the laceweight fingerless glove pattern. Later on, I’ll tackle some of the hats and mittens and felted projects, from handspun. They’ll make good items for bazaar sales.
I shan’t stop knitting the Slippery Socks, but I am certainly going to cast on some Alpaca Warmers, except I shall be using cashmere. Pink cashmere. Dusty pink cashmere. They are going to be gorgeous. But, oh my, 2mm needles!
The Arizona Quickstep sock is approaching the middle of the foot. It’s tedious work. Hard slog. Not at all inspiring. And it gives me cramped fingers. And I still don’t think that I have enough yarn. But I’ll keep going. Ah, so many sentences starting with a conjunction. Tsk. Though I understand that the practice is acceptable these days.
Aim for today: 1 cuff of a glove and no more, reach the toe on the sock (ha, ha!), fill my current bobbin of mohair/merino.
And now I have to go strip a duckling before I have to throw it out. Leftover lunch today. We’ll make up for it by having a substantial tea. Yesterday at spinning, J gave me some of her eggs (she produces the best eggs in the world) freshly laid by her bantams – I shall poach them and we shall have them on Marmite toast. A feast!