Talk about neglect! Best find out where I hid the mop and dusters. This place needs a really good clean out. “What happened?” I hear…
Category: Learning
It has been a long time, hasn’t it? I suppose I haven’t had a great deal to report on the “me” side. I am trying…
I added the second kit lens to my new camera this afternoon and set the camera onto Aperture Priority. I was expecting a step change…
We are having a quiet day today. The weather is helping – the rain comes and goes, with some sunny spells betwixt. Earlier we took…
That’s my assignment uploaded for marking. It’s not finished and it has not been polished. I just could not look at it one more time.…
Oh, which day is this? My poor brain is completely addled. Firstly, I need to note that the WPC rang me last evening to let…
On Monday we were considering a plan for the week. The week in effect turned out to be almost entirely about the Geocaching – the…