I love Quiche days, when a gathering of leftovers from the ‘fridge turns, with the addition of a few home-grown fresh eggs, into a gastronomic delight (or what passes for such in these ‘ere parts.) There is a Parmesan pastry chilling in the ‘fridge already and I’ll be blind baking the case shortly, before deciding just what combination of flavours to add to the custard. We shall have a jacket potato and some winter salad with the quiche and thus one of my all-time favourite lunch combinations.
Roll on 1pm – I feel peckish already! Ah, that will be because I forgot to have my breakfast yet… excuse me, I will be back.
Today, I shall be mainly:
- staring gloomily out at the rain
- blocking my Icing
- not casting on a new project
- finishing plying the orange single that I began work on yesterday
Spinning yesterday was quite good fun. The Heritage Centre was a bit crowded with seven spinners, our host, visitors and a roaming photographer — all this, plus cake! It was good to see some faces that I had not seen in a while, and we had a new-to-me spinner too. Negativity levels were non-existent, so that was a relief, but I still find coping with that many people and so much chatter to be a stress. I was weary yesterday afternoon.
The cake was a bit iffy – absolutely delicious but not a good texture; it had failed to rise and turned out dense and claggy. I shall work on it. It should have been OK – I have made similar cakes many times with success. It was based on Nigella’s Store Cupboard Chocolate and Orange Cake (see the Domestic Goddess book), which deploys a jar of marmalade in its manufacture. She has a muffin recipe that uses fruit jam and that works well too. I have to deduce that my change of tin size/shape was at fault. Anyway, this time I used a jar of my favourite Mackay’s Spiced Ginger Preserve – fantastic on toast, fabulous spread with Philadelphia cream cheese, and now – deeeelicious in chocolate cake! There was a secret added ingredient too, but I doubt that it caused the failure – I added a tablespoon of Brandy cooking gel.
Whatever – so fab was the taste sensation that it must surely be tried again, and this time in the recommended tin size methinks.
While I was out to breakfast I got on with the ‘fridge-delving and made a filling for my quiche – red pepper (slightly wrinkled), onion and mushroom (beginning to fade) – made creamy with the bottom end of a tub of creme fraiche and some Port Salut (drying at the edges) and sharpened by some Wensleydale (green parts removed.)
I feel both frugal and creative
Yum…that sound delicious. And you’d better be glad for the time difference (and, you know, that pesky ocean) or else you’d have someone lingering on the doorstep around lunch time!