Nell was a real trouper at the pub this evening. You’d have thought that she had been going for a pint every night for her whole life. I was able to remove her lead and she sat by the side of our table, good as gold. She appreciated the chips very much indeed.
I may have underestimated earlier my movement in the direction towards fitness. I tried wearing my red shirt shortly before we left home and the front gaped alarmingly. Today I have that same shirt on and am wearing it with complete modesty. So. Real progress.
I still will not be unhappy until my pants are falling off
The sun is still with us. The site here looks wonderful with late flowering shrubs and autumnal leaves. There is even a late flowering Rhododendron, or perhaps it’s just a second flush now that I see that bud forming…
Rhodies not your thing? Maybe a Hydrangea will cheer your day?
More photos of Nell, please…
Could be difficult, Anna – Nell is very camera shy and usually hoofs it when the lens turns in her direction. She’s not very happy today, was attacked this morning by a very nasty mutt