Dear Diary: May 2nd, 2013

I was up at sparrowfart this morning and it was not a bad day at all, so I took time out to go for a walk to the shop – taking my camera with me.

One of the local farmers dumps his rubbish on the foreshore between our house and the sea. Each year the rubbish heap is brightened by a couple of stray clumps of daffodils. As we have none in our garden I threaten each year to dig these out once they have finished blooming.





It was not just the pretty things that caught my eye – I liked this old and rotten cable drum and the way that the rope echoes the curve of the wood.



I spotted one of the island’s many feral cats and was surprised that it did not flee before I could capture a shot. Once I saw the image at home I had my explanation – for a cat with one eye, it is safer to try and hide than it is to run.

The field that the cat was hiding in will soon be gone. It has for many years lain fallow under a set-aside scheme and each summer has been a riot of wild flowers and a haven for birdlife. Plans are now passed for the building of a new shop, which is badly needed since the larger of our shops was burned out.

One benefit for me will be that the walk is shorter!

Normally,  if I were going to Corses shop, I would bicycle but today I really wanted to walk and take photographs.

I managed to capture my first lamb of the year and he was just a tad shy.


wpid8657-BL_13_00016-Edit.jpgI did sneak another shot before walking on towards the shop.

There were two things taking me there today – the first was to buy stamps so that I could post my first batch of letters out, the second was to pick up our copy of the monthly island newsletter, The Sanday Sound. As it happened, I managed to leave my letters at home and now need to go out again, to the postbox.

wpid8671-BL_13_00020.jpgThe shop was fairly busy, as evidenced by the cars outside.

It is a quirky little place. Despite its basic appearance, most day-to-day needs may be serviced there. At one time there was little stock on the shelves but as the shop  is owned by the same people whose main shop in the village was burned out, the smaller shop has been stocked up to fill the gap as far as possible.


There is always something to draw the eye once inside the door

Workgloves betwixt the cocktail sticks and the couscous
Work gloves betwixt the cocktail sticks and the couscous

I bought my stamps, bewailed the absence of my mail, picked up my Sanday Sound, and treated myself to a Crunchie bar to  fuel the walk home, as I had failed to eat breakfast this morning,


I grabbed a shot of the field where the new shop is to be built



We shall soon be spoiled for choice, as the village shop in Lady has just reopened under community ownership. It’s a bit too far for just popping out on foot, though is achievable by bicycle on a fair day. Hopefully  the need to trek all the way to Kirkwall will be reduced in future.

On the way home I spotted a tub of dwarf narcissi,  and some of the smallest examples that I have ever seen.


These blooms were less than half an inch in diameter.

I also got a shot of something impossibly cute in the kirkyard.


and this captive feather




  1. May 3, 2013

    We raised lambs at one time. They are the most adorable things when they’re young. I like your photo-journal… very much.

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