Drawing a line

Today was not a good one by anyone’s stretch of imagination. It should have been productive but turned into a downward spiral of problems and awkwardness. The upshot is that we are now nowhere near ready for setting off tomorrow night.

Tomorrow? you may well ask. Well, yes. A change of plan has been effected and we are now booked on Monday morning’s ferry (see Two Snails). The general idea is to prepare the van, shut up shop at the house and mooch on down to the ferry terminal to sleep there overnight tomorrow. This would mean that we have no last minute rushing around to do and can tackle the turning off of power and water at our own pace.

I needed to go and take some photographs for Jennifer this morning. It was to be a quick dash out then home to cut the grass (him) and pack the  van (me).

A – My back gave out on me last night and today I can scarcely stand

B – Pumped full of Ibuprofen and with a hot wheat bag tucked down my trousers, I set off to take the photos. Only to find that I had left the SD card at home.

C – We returned home to get the card and went out again. I took the photos.

D – Saved a trip to Hillside by spotting Gill in Lady village – handed her J’s key and another item that I had for her. Felt pleased at this luck and catching up on some time.

E – Got home to find that I had no glasses. I obviously locked then in at J’s house.

F – Mr L discovered that we had a blocked drain and set about fixing it rather than cutting the grass. The problem was relatively intractable and the Karcher gave up the ghost in the middle of cleaning the drains

G – I went back to Lady at Mr L’s request, in search of “Chemicals, and lots of them“. Took the opportunity to check around J’s house and at the heritage Centre in case my glasses were lying around anywhere. Could not find them anywhere.

H – Arrived home to find the blockage cleared without chemical aid. Checked the car and found my glasses had fallen from my pocket and slipped down the side of my seat.

2.00 pm – finally began to pack the van to the best of my ability with a wonky back and a great deal of pain.

It’s almost 8 pm now and I finally have both my knitting and camera gear packed. Just the kitchen left to do now and a few small last minute odds and sods.

I’d have a long soak in a hot bath if not for the fact that I have washed all the towels.

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