This economy drive is proving to be quite enjoyable. Some interesting meals are emerging. Today I am making Economy Broth, a variation on Green Soup. Just the thing on a snowy blustery day like today.
What is Economy Broth? Well, just like any old Green Soup but with added Pot Barley and without the use of a blender. Today’s Economy Broth comes to us courtesy of the Cauliflower Cheese that we had at the weekend. I kept the green parts back (no chooks now to feed the tougher parts to) specifically for soup-making. Add to that the pot barley, roasted first, and a rather wrinkly leek, a “rasher” from a pack of bacon mis-shapes and some chopped potato. Should be tasty. If less than, I’ll top with some grated mousetrap after I’ve trimmed the green bits. Cost, not much more than coppers.

Don’t you just hate it when you go to open a new bag of potatoes and your plastic-prodding finger sinks straight in to a gooey rotten spud. Urgh!
Got off to a good start this morning, stripped the bed and had the first load washed by 9 am. Sadly it is too windy to keep the laundry on the line. Will somebody please invent the Orkney Peg?
Second laundry load on, dishwasher emptied filled and on again. Soup made. What’s next? I’m organising the itinerary and meal plan for next week in order to make a shopping list. We’re off to the bright lights next week: Phoenix Fringe (High-Rise), the Orkney Camera Club annual social, and a couple of days R&R, all topped off by a trip round Tesco. Be still, my beating heart.
We had planned to fit in the dog and cat and Human passporting activities but now we think that France shall be deferred until next year, so we’ll not bother this trip. I would quite like to get my camping haircut done in town but the Economy Drive means that I must turn to Mr L and the hair clippers before we go. I have plenty of hats, all will be fine. One other thing that I hope to do is to get my camera out and go have a look at the poppies. Yes, I know, but I’m only anti red poppies in November. Make a feature of them now and I am willing to record it. I’m fairly sure it is not hypocrisy… it would be lovely though to have a balancing window, weeping white poppies, would it not?
Anyway, the Economy Drive requires a proper shopping list in order to ensure that we buy only what we need and I must work on that, tidying cupboards and checking what we have, what needs using up, and what I need to stock up on. Dull, dull, dull. It’s that or start packing the van and frankly, what with the wind and the snow, I’d far rather not be doing that today.
Hope the weather improves for our trip.
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