I don’t think I shall be needing to block the Noro Hat at all. It got thoroughly blocked last night in situ when Mr L wore the hat in the rain. It kept his head beautifully warm while we walked Nell tot he post box. He is very pleased with his hat – which means that I can’t now claim it for my own. I must knit another.
Mr L also christened his Pine Cone Scarf last night… at last.
No. It wasn’t that cold. Or that windy. Or that wet. Let’s just call him a wuss, shall we?
I had another go at my Firestarter socks last night. And I ripped them out again. That’s the, er, umpteenth time (at least six). I will not give in. These socks will be made. I joined a KAL.
Today: laundry, magicking dinner out of an empty pantry, reading Rabbi Lionel Blue’s autobiography, knitting some socks, and slumping. It’s a very grey day today. As grey as a very gray thing. Perfect for a store cupboard chilli non carne, in fact. I’m off to soak my beans.