Phew! (Slump)
It’s that time of year again. We’ve had a few weeks holiday and now a week back at work, though no routine is yet established. It’s time to knuckle down and stop playing at it.
I hate that feeling. It means that I have to consider being “good” for a change. No more long days knitting in front of films on the iPlayer.
There are some tasks outstanding that I really must tackle first and foremost. Most important of these has to be my tax return. It’s the 11th of the month already. Oh, my. Obviously I am going to have to tidy my desk and do some filing before I can even think about finding my papers.
I’d say that I would do this tomorrow, or at least make a start on it but it is of course spinning day and I have some obligation to be out and about…
Anyway – here is the hit list:
- Tidy, file, and clean my desk area
- Tax Return
- Attack the Utility Room and get things ready for a dyeing session
- Go to Kirkwall – I’m desperate for some good tasty tomatoes and fresh herbs etc.
- Write up our October trip in Brunhilde, edit and upload the photos.
- Skein off the new Colourmart yarns, wash and dry them and wind into cakes.
- Continue finishing UFOs until the month end.
- Get my camera out
(3) I did manage to do a little work in the utility room during the holiday, though nowhere near as much as is needed. It’s not a bad day today and there is some sun warming the room so I may go off and put in half an hour straight away. It’s going to take a lot of time in total as it’s all a bit of a sliding box puzzle – literally!
(4) As for Kirkwall, it’s difficult to decide to go when it is Refit period and the weather is so wild. I’ll dash o ff if there is a window in the weather but it has to coincide with a sensible day for going, of which we have only 2 a week just now. The notion of a large box of fresh mushrooms draws me on, as does the idea of fresh fragrant herbs and something a little different in the way of veg. My cooking becomes so dull at this time of year and I scarcely want to eat what I manage to whistle up. It’s bland and it’s very boring indeed.
(5) I can scarcely believe that it was October when we went away and I still have to write the blog! I really must try harder.
(6) The yarn exercise will happen, but not until the desk exercise is done. I shall be needing my bench in order to move heaps from pillar to post and then back again. Ideally I should like the window replacing so that the room can get back to normal. The mess it is in at the moment is not conducive to working.
(8) I have really been neglecting my cameras and my Blips. Blipping is a sore subject just now. I’m not sure what to do about it. Most likely I shall carry on for at least a while but I will stop pushing alerts out to FB and Twitter and remove the badge from this site. I dislike the way that the Polaroid branding has been imposed and I do not intend to advertise it for them for free – especially when I stumped up a lot of money for a Lifetime membership to a site that was not thus branded.
Today I saw a monthly photo challenge that might just get me up and running again: The Changing Seasons. Obviously I’ll take the whole island as my subject! If I do it. I’ll need the weather to be a little kinder if I am to get out and take 20 shots. This project will of course happen on my photo blog but I’ll most likely link from here to the monthly posts there.
It would be a mighty splendid idea if we could get the Sanday Photowalks group up and running. A monthly outing with the group would provide the opportunity to take shots for the challenge. A two-for-one. Efficiency is always good.
Fasting Day tomorrow and I am planning a quick and easy stir fry with prawns, lots of veg and a few rice noodles. I need to get my act together as I lost no weight this week at all, after several days of extreme naughtiness. Example? yesterday we made fresh pasta and had a white wine and cream sauce on it. Not so bad in itself but did we really need the crusty bread, the oil to dunk it in and the pecan maple pie and mascarpone cream that followed? or the wines that went with the meal? No! It was utter stupidity.
But it was such a miserable day… you know?
I really must get that alpaca ready to knit and start to get my comfort kicks the low-cal way.
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