Give us this day our Daily Bread

Daily Prompt: Show and Tell

You’ve been asked to do a five-minute presentation to a group of young schoolchildren on the topic of your choice. Describe your presentation.

My presentation today is about bread – the staple of our existence. I want to show the children what bread is made from and give them a taste of some real home-made bread.

My Aim:

  • to enable the children to make choices about their basic foodstuff
  • to raise their awareness of all the undesirable additives in shop-bought bread
Crusty Home-made bread

My visuals are:

  • A supermarket loaf, sliced and wrapped
  • A poster, showing the list of ingredients in the above mentioned loaf:
    • including preservatives, fortifying agents, raising agents, mould inhibitors etc.

      ingredients - ad nauseum
      ingredients – ad nauseum
  • A lovely country wicker basket, lined with a chequered cloth, and piled high with an array of hand-baked loaves and rolls, including muffins.
  • A poster, showing the ingredients in the basket of bread:
    • Flour
    • Yeast
    • Salt
    • Water
  • Samples of the four ingredients
  • A plastic tub, with some mixed dough


  • Music and words for “Do You Know the Muffin Man”


  • slices of bread and butter from both types of bread
  • some muffins
  1. Five minutes is not long so we will start by engaging attention with a quick burst of “Do You Know the Muffin Man?” – few children will not already know the song but probably none of them will be able to answer the question that comes next:
  2. Do you know what muffins are?
  3. The answer, of course, is “A type of bread” (show Muffins to kids – pass round)
  4. Ask kids which kind of bread they are used to – get them to indicate sliced loaf or home-made
  5. Ask kids if they know what bread is made from?
  6. Show them what goes into the bought loaf (use poster)
  7. Show them what goes into home-made bread (indicate the 4 ingredients)
  8. Tell them that the four mix together to make dough (show dough) and that it is the yeast that makes the bread rise.
  9. Ask kids if they would like to try a bit of each kind of bread and find out which they prefer (offer little pieces of bread and butter)
  10. Show of hands and summarise.
  11. Do a little dance to Muffin Man, if time permits.

Go home: breathe large sigh of relief and exhaustion, pour even larger gin, ponder whether any good has been done and acknowledge internally that US culture is ubiquitous and kids now think I am a raving loony… Muffins are cake, great over-sized buns in paper cases. Sigh again. It’s a lost generation.

More Show & Tell:

  1. Photo comics “Nellie and a piece of meat” | Philosophy & Photography
  2. Russian UAZ | Philosophy & Photography
  3. Timeless Russia | Philosophy & Photography
  4. Evolution | Philosophy & Photography
  5. My story collection “Platypus” | Philosophy & Photography
  6. Who Are You? | Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness
  7. The Most Interesting 3 year old In The World | That Girl Ryan
  8. What a Wonderful World – Show and Tell | Prayers and Promises
  9. What a Wonderful World – Show and Tell | Prayers and Promises
  10. Daily Prompt: Show and Tell « Mama Bear Musings
  11. Daily Post: Show and Tell | tel-uh-vizh-uh-ner-ee
  12. Cast and a Sprained Foot | Daily Prompt: Show and Tell | likereadingontrains
  13. Don’t Believe Anybody Under The Age Of 30 | The Jittery Goat
  14. Natalie Elizabeth Beech
  15. Five minutes of liberty | Spunky Wayfarer
  16. The Joy Of Poultry – Daily Prompt: Show and Tell | Kansa Muse on Micro Farming and More
  17. Daily Prompt: Show and Tell | Basically Beyond Basic
  18. Show and Tell | The Nameless One


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