Following that earlier warning, here’s your final one.
I have been busy downloading candidate WordPress themes and I am all ready to get stuck in to the site redesign. Some time prior to Monday I shall be taking the site down until work is completed. It may take a while but I promise that Woolgathering will be back no later than the New Year.
Any posts that I have to make from now until then will be kept as drafts until the site re-launches. With a bit of luck we may have some FO posts to read by then – you never know!
Maintenance Mode will be announced via a splash screen once we go off line.
For those of you who do the C thing, do have the most wonderful of times, won’t you? I hope that Santa brings you some of the things that you are hoping for. Don’t eat or drink too much though, do be good
We are on holiday from 4pm tomorrow. There’s little in the way of A Plan – other than birthday dinner on Saturday and the usual low-key mid-winter activities that have become traditional around here. The tide won’t be perfect for the 25th, but it could be worse – and the weather forecast promises a dry day with little wind, so we hope to have our annual lunchtime walk and picnic. We plan to make a nice pork pie and to take slices of that out with us, with some home made rolls and vine tomatoes and pickled onions. Scrumptious! Mulled wine to come home to in order to warm up. It makes for a fine day.
We’ll be going to Kirkwall after the 25th and seeking out something nice for our anniversary dinner on the 31st.
A full report shall be made on Woolgathering’s return.
From Our House, to Your House: Have a Cool Yule, and if you need to get hold of me just drop an email to beth at this domain – it will reach me.