Today’s green results from a walk in the bay last night.

I had my pocket camera with me. It wasn’t up to snapping the two seals that kept pace with us along the shoreline, but took a reasonable stab at capturing a Fulmar. One day I will get it right. Until then, make do with these.

My tracking and panning skills are badly affected by my feet sinking into wet sand. It makes me topple over a bit as I turn around!
Fulmars are great – so aerodynamic, like little Spitfires. They love to taunt us and the dogs and sweep in very close to our feet, taking a good look at us before circling around and having another pass.
Beautiful creatures.

I got very carried away trying to capture the way that the light was filtering through a strand of kelp. I wished I had the Canon with me.

I took a shot looking North, back towards our house, for PS4North
and some reference shots of seaweed greens and made a hasty triptych of them
The individual shots are here, here, and here.
I do have some knitting green to show off, as I started the Laminaria on straight needles yesterday evening. I have just two repeats of the first chart done and will show it off once I have an inch or two more to see. I am glad that I started on it. I had been feeling very low and depressed and I found that after doing an hour on the shawl my spirits had lifted considerably. The new needles won’t be coming today as postie has already been round; exceptionally early. Before the morning ‘plane arrived, in fact. All he brought me was a Council Tax bill.
Before casting on the shawl, I sewed in the ends on the Alpine butternut and grafted the Crofter’s Cowl. I’d like to go for the blocking but I do need to chain myself to the desk today after an application crash yesterday robbed me of several hours’ work. (Yes. I did save my document. Sadly, I wasn’t working on document content but on styles, which are evidently not saved with the document. Typical!) After putting the shawl down to go to bed – it certainly isn’t a bed-knitting project – I picked up the man sweater and put a few inches into the first sleeve.
Will have to skip spinning today. I’ve done no more spinning since last Wednesday morning, there just hasn’t been time and I am rather disappointed not to be going today – but that deadline… oh, that deadline!
Lovely green photos!