First of the month – but the rabbits are not white today – they are Green, in honour of PS4 North, which begins today.

Direction: North
Colour: Green
Material: Stones/Gems/Rocks
Season: Winter
Element: Earth

I popped out this morning and took a quick snap of the view from my house to the North. There is an annotated version here, with the main features labelled, if you want to know what it is that I see.
Things are not very green yet, still yellowed from the winter wet. That bog will green up in time and should be nicely yellow with Flag Irises in time for the Eastern phase of PS4. I love my bog. I see Short-eared Owls and Hen Harriers hunting in there. Grey Heron visit too. In the right season it is full of flowers – iris, astilbe, king cups…
It is good to look directly at what I consider to be at the heart of the island, our Community School. The chidren’s voices carry all the way down here on the wind, and the island feels really alive and vital then.
Greener pictures will come later in this phase. Spring comes late, but when she makes up her mind, she sweeps in rapidly. The fields will be lush and emerald green then, and dotted with white lambs and nesting Oystercatchers.