I understand that I am being missed. Ne’er fear, I am still here. I’m just very short of time.
Until things return to normal, you may well find me posting here and here.
There are still 2 weeks of Photography course remaining, though Art has finshed. (We hope that Art will be starting again soon… ) I am spending a lot of time with my camera, but most of my time is being spent knitting like a thing possessed, as the spectre of the Christmas Fair and an empty stall loom ever closer. In short, I am in panic knitting mode. Especially as there is now to be a Craft Fair shortly after, in mid December.
I shall return after the Fair with a Great Big FO post
Do you want to see one of my recent (non-knitting) projects?
Now, I must rush. I have carding to do. And spinning. And knitting. Oh, heck – and weaving! and Mr L wants Pizza making for supper… I have the Mozzarella, but do I have the time?
See you soon.
I am intrigued. I saw your post on Twitter, and tried to click on the link from my iPhone. Orange blocked the content, saying it was only for those over 18. I have to phone Orange up if I want to view this page from my iPhone. What *on earth* is there about this post, or indeed this website, that is not suitable for anyone under 18?
Hi, Carole.
I can’t stop laughing. I agreed with you. I read, and I re-read and wondered and then, it dawned. FO does not only stand for Finished Objects.
OK, now I’m all at sea.
Well, that’s what you get for being such a perfect lady