Everything here seems to be two steps forward and then one back again. Things keep breaking. The latest is my PC. It appears to have a corrupted boot sector on the HDD. No. I do not have backups. I thought that I did but apparently we no longer run a server.
Vincent makes progress but the leak on the air suspension stubbornly refuses to be repaired. A whole host of tasks have been completed however and yesterday a solar panel was added where the satellite dish used to be.
I managed to shift a significant mass of stuff from the property over the past couple of days. Five large plastic storage crates, with contents, have gone – plus a small loom, a suitcase and a travel bag. The aforesaid satellite dish also went to a new home. I am beginning to see spaces appearing where heaps used to be.
Mr L had to get out of bed early to sign for post.

I am going to nurture these (ho, ho) and just have one a day…

and now I must go, as I have been summoned to the kitchen to eat my dinner (Piri Piri chicken with new potatoes, garlic mushrooms and courgettes, followed by Raspberry Eton Mess, Biscuits and cheese)
Oh what a scrummy looking box of chockits. I presume they’re a “completely ordinary, nothing special at all” day present. smoochies.
That is the position that I was maintaining
The dark chocolate only Hotel Chocolat selection is very good and I recognise a lot of those ones in your box. Yum! Enjoy.