I’ll catch up one day

I made Overnight Rolls again – baking them after I had dressed and showered this morning. I goofed. It kept me awake for a while last night… I had a feeling and when I checked the recipe this morning I was right – I had left some of the flour out of the recipe! It was only a small amount – the 72g of wholemeal flour that should have been included but an already wet dough turned out even wetter without that addition.  In fact, the rolls were not fully cooked – the outsides were golden and crunchy as intended but the insides, pockmarked with lunar-scale craters, were simply not cooked – this due I suggest to the greater hydration level. We toasted the insides before making our sausage sandwiches. For tea-time I shall treat them as part-baked rolls and pop them back into the oven for a while.

How did it happen? We are in toner-saving mode, so I copied and pasted the recipe text from the web into a text document. I could not be bothered to reformat it and it was pretty unreadable. I blame this for my missing the third lot of flour.

Future Learn: I am behind. I need to get my Android coding done today ready for Week 4 starting tomorrow. I’ve been wimping out on the maths required. The Ecosystems course starts tomorrow. The Web Science module is going well. My attempts at getting to grips with the social web are eating up a lot of time. I just don’t “get” either Facebook or Google+ but I have found my way around Goodle sufficiently well to attach myself to a Spinning community. I’ll count that as a success.

Knitting: None done but see here for progress on preparing for a new KAL – the skeins that I wound yesterday are now washed. When I have finished my coffee I will attempt to hang them out. For once it is not actually raining and we have even seen the sun today. The wind has dropped a long way but the speed is still in the low twenties and I fear that tangling will occur. I have not yet forgotten the time that I had to prise my yarn away from the washing line as it had felted to it.

Spinning: I spent Friday afternoon spinning with Jennifer and watching a DVD on colour blending with fibre. The spinning did not go well.

Coming up: Town this week, possibly twice. I have to go to the Cardiology clinic on Thursday and may also pop in to Kirkwall with Gill on Tuesday. I hope that the Rivington Cowl will be completed en route. It is bothering me that I am seeing no UFOs completed. I need the kick  of a good cast off.

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