So, in amongst all the dreary cleaning, tidying and reorganising, I found time in which to discover the 30 Days Wild challenge.
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30 Days Wild
30 Days Wild is a month-long nature challenge taking place this June.
We’re asking people to sign up and do something wild every day for a month – and make nature part of their everyday life.
I should very much have liked to take part in this initiative but it is already the 2nd June and the sign-up link seems to have disappeared from the site. I have emailed for more details but am not holding my breath.
I could be with them in spirit though, even if not officially and even if I am beginning late. That said, I did do something in the wild yesterday because I went out and took my weekly Monday Outlook shot of the bay.

That must count, though the weekly task of covering the rubbish bags with a sheet in order to keep the ravens from them most likely does not count at all!
Speaking of rubbish – that is where my day went to and why today’s featured image is the pile of paper that I extracted from my filing cabinet. That should make it easier to move come Friday.
Back on the wild side, today left little time for anything other than heavy duty housework and for cursing the flies that gather on those rare days when we have no wind. I did however pause to enjoy the lark song when I was hanging out my laundry and spent some moments watching one of my garden wrens on the stone dyke outside the kitchen window when I was cooking lunch. I also found time to wish that I had extra time in which to take the camera out and try to capture some oyster catchers. I love this time of year when they have young to feed. The parents lose all fear and come ever closer to the house. It is best on days like this, after overnight rain. They stick their long orange beaks into the soft ground and pull up wiggly worms.
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