Suitable photographic weather permitting, we should have a couple of FO posts tomorrow.
There has been much busy-ness this weekend. All the lambswool/silk 4ply was skeined off yesterday and washed today. I just need to hide it from the cats while it finishes drying overnight. The Petra-fied Hand Warmers were completed yesterday and blocked today, alongside the Butternut Scarf “Ingrid.”
This evening, finally, I cast on for Mr L’s sweater. To be truthful, one of the main reasons it hasn’t been knitted yet was that I was very disappointed in the yarn when it arrived. I am using Donegal Silk Tweed DK from New Lanark Mills. It was very cheap and I thought, when I saw it, that it handled as though it cost what it did. Now that I have cast it on and knitted a little, I find I am far happier with it than I ever thought I might be!
A lot happier than I am with my knitting, at least. A few rows into the front pattern I realised that I must be knitting the thing wrong. I followed the chart instructions as best I could, considering that they left the symbols out. Anyway, I think I may have decided to knit the panel pattern back to front. It’s hard to tell as the image isn’t sufficiently clear to see what the panel should actually look like.
I showed it to Mr L and gave him 3 options:
1 – rip it out and reverse the panel stitches
2 – make the inside the outside and carry on, on that basis
3 – just go with the flow
He chose option 3. and I agreed to do so, but every fibre of my being wants to rip that panel out! I’m not so very far in that it isn’t an option – I am still on the first ball – just 12 cms/5 ins of garment knitted.
What do you think? Around 3 weeks to completion? If I get a crack on. Maybe. The sooner it is done, the sooner I can start on my jumper or my cardie. 🙂
The Butternut scarf blocked beautifully. The cashmere mitts are taking forever to dry.
I’ve knitted honeycomb from Knitty using silk tweed and it does soften up beautifully. New Lanark however for now are in my bad books as I knitted a colourwork Christmas stocking in their ordinary DK weight and the red ran like crazy. Not just a little but like it hadn’t been rinsed at all. I sent an email asking about this and was told it was being forwarded to someone who would know. I have yet to have a reply…
@Katie, don’t talk to me about bleeding. I have 3 formerly white pillowcases that turned turquoise yesterday. Mind, I can expect a £12 cone to bleed a bit. I wouldn’t be so sanguine about £2.95 a ball! or about carefully knitted colourwork. You must have been fuming.