Thrift is winning today over calorie restriction and lunch will be pasta – using up a glut of mushrooms (must persuade Mr L that stuff not on the shopping list is absent for a reason and not because I forgot to put it on there) and a tub of cream that wandered home with him on Friday. Lots of garlic with that, I believe, and an abundance of green salad. Now, do I thaw one of the weekend’s baguettes for mopping up the juices or do I show a modicum of restraint?
Ted came and perched himself on my shoulder last night so I attempted to groom him. He is moulting and his ultra-fine hair gets everywhere – mainly up my nose and into my keyboard. He’s not keen on the grooming process and tolerated it only briefly but he is already looking a little more sleek and shiny. Four claws have been successfully trimmed. Softly, softly catchee Teddy.
I am engaged today in turning the camper van around. Not actually (that is Mr L’s job – and a case of I’d much rather he than I) but figuratively. It should not take long as it was not fully emptied when we returned from Hoy. The bed remains made up and all the basics are in the cupboards. I just need to replace what has been used and put two new packs of clothes in. The sinks and shower are already cleaned so all that I need to do on the cleaning side is to vacuum all those dead beasties and then mop the floor. After that, she will be ready to go whenever we feel like it. This is good as Mr L is currently on his last 4 day week and begins three day working next week, or would, if this coming Monday were not a Bank Holiday.
You realise this means that next week he is putting in just two days work? I have to cope with a five day weekend!
None of this bodes well for any knitting progress, nor any spinning. The wheel has not been in action for several weeks and my lovely new caravan studio is not being used.
One of the people that I follow on Blipfoto posted a photograph from the Beamish Museum. I became very nostalgic when I saw this and have proposed to Mr L that we take a Bunhilde trip to Pink Panther Country (der-um, der-um, der-um der-um der-um… Durham, geddit?) He has taken a look at Beamish on line, never having visited previously, and is now very keen on the idea. We soon expanded the trip into a visit to Teesdale. It is sounding good to me: park up at Beamish and put the unlimited pass to good use for a weekend; thence up Weardale to the top, and back down again via Teesdale at least as far as Barney. It is then a mere question of whether or not to wander across Swaledale and over the tops to buy some cheese from Hawes before coming home. If however we had got that far then we might as well wander on down to Bakewell for a pudding before we turn aboot.
Well, that’s all very well and good and forward planning but for now, it’s just an odd night here and there on Orkney. All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go… well, when I say all my bags, I mean one bag. This one fits in one overhead locker. What clothes won’t go in this bag, do not go with me. Mr L has an identical bag for his stuff and the same rules apply. Outdoor clothing is exempt from this ruling and lives in the peedie wardrobe. This is Orkney, limiting outdoor wear does not make sense.

If the weather holds off we have a job to do this evening in fixing the canopy cover that came to grief in Tesco’s car park last week. Another job arrived today – the additional leisure battery ordered last Thursday is here. What amazing service. So, that’s to fit this evening and hopefully we shall then have suitably extended refrigeration capacity when on the road.
The last half hour before posting has been a little fraught – Lightroom stopped working. Every time that I tried to switch from the Library to the Develop module so that I could crop these images, the programme hung up on me. It turns out that the graphics card driver upgrade that I installed this morning was at fault. Deselecting the use of the graphics prcessor in the LR preferences was an instant fix. Phew. That means that (theoretically) I can get on and complete the image set from Hoy this afternoon now.
Damn. Do I have any ground almonds in the cupboard? I feel the need to bake a Bakewell Pudding right now.
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