Tell-it Tuesday returns. Yay!
Glossing over the recent declaration of a yarn diet… I am told that this “Purchase” is wholly allowable, as it is not intended for knitting…

Now, how could a girl resist that? It was up for p/hopping and I thought it would be great to weave with one day. While I was arbitrating, I was persuaded to add a little extra to my package…

I wonder if you can see in your mind a similar image to the one in mine? I can’t wait to complete that orange and brown thing and get on with this wonderful extravagence!
Take no notice of this next item… it’s not really here. P-hop again:

Well, you know… it was in need of a good home and for A Jolly Good Cause and all that… and I did need a good example of a bulky lumpy bumpy yarn. The ladies have completed their Aestlight Shawls and our next learning project is to be an Urchin beret – skills to be practised include provisional cast on, short rows, and grafting. So, it’s an investment.
Moving swiftly on, and retrning to our theme of not-knitting…
Craft Club has been departing from its comfort zone lately. Last month we tried our hands at making Friendship Bracelets.

I am far too old and stuffy to “get” the concept of friendship bracelets (where did they come from, and when?) but it was fun to learn a new skill and I can see that I would have appplications for little braids like this in several crafty areas. There will be more braiding. I must haunt eBay and stock up on embroidery silks. Just don’t expect any friendship gifts from this quarter. I am British, and the concept makes me squirm ((I mean… “According to indigenous tradition, the recipient of a friendship bracelet must wear it until the cords wear out and fall off naturally. The idea is that the friend paid for it with the hard work and love that made it, and the recipient repays the friend by honoring the work. Removing the bracelet before it naturally falls off is a sign that the friendship has gone sour.”… Yuk!)).
Last night, we began working on Quilling – no, not Quilting… QUILLING – two ells. We just practised the basic shapes. Some people were more adept than others (I mean, than I) Next time we will try our hands at assembling a design and perhaps mounting them onto cards.

So, there we are, it really and truly is not all about knitting. This afternoon, I plan to spin – by the fireside. Tomorrow’s WIP Wednesday will have knitting content, though not much (it is going badly.)
If you send me your mailing address, a RAK packet of embroidery floss might just find its way to you…
That is extremely generous of you, Susan. Thank you