It’s The Law

There appears to be a fundamental Law of the Universe that governs lost objects in our household. Basically the rule to be applied is that nothing will ever be found at the time that it is being sought. However, when seeking the next lost item, the previous will magically appear (and usually in a place already checked.)

Thus it was that I spent all day yesterday trying to find my Snowbird cardigan (for which it appears I have yet to do FO photographs!) and eventually ended up emailing a variety of likely places on our route home, where I might have worn and then left my beautiful cardigan.

This morning I was trying to find our microfibre camping towels, which I was positive that I had already replaced in the van as soon as they had been washed on our return home. They are not there. Mr L joined in the hunt as he thought perhaps, maybe, he had moved them out of the cupboard when doing some maintenance. I went to check on my bread, which is in the oven, and returned to find him standing in the hall with  a large bundle in his arms – not the errant towels but the misplaced cardigan and my Hugo poncho! The second of which I had not even missed.

Where had they been… in the boot? No, he found them in the wardrobe, which I had patiently searched yesterday, moving the hangers along one-by-one and checking each carefully only to find no knitted items whatsoever. Apparently they were both on the floor of the cupboard, squashed in at the back. Being dark colours they did not grab my attention, I suppose.

I am greatly relieved to have my cardigan safe and sound. At least I know I will be warm this weekend, whatever the weather throws at us.

Looking forward greatly to Saturday’s concert and much amazed to see this morning that tickets are still available and are not even yet on “limited availability”. It’s only a 250 seater auditorium. Surely Eddi Reader can command a better attendance than this!

Van mostly packed now, with the bed down and the mattress topper in place. Bread made. Granola made. Biscuits made. Washing out on the line (will it dry? The air is awful damp.) Just need to charge camera batteries etcetera. Trying to get as much done as possible today as I am taking time out to get my hair cut tomorrow. I last had my hair cut in Morrisons at Stavely at New Year! It’s awfully untamed just now and I need to have passport photos done soon plus it will help not to have my mop in my eyes when I go to the optician on Friday afternoon.



  1. spinninggill
    May 24, 2017

    Glad the cardi’s turned up. 🙂

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