Pictures? You want pictures? Hard luck. It’s like the middle of winter here, hardly enough light to navigate by, let alone take photographsÂ
Active WIPs:
- Ferry socks: halfway down the second heel flap
- Gordes socks: ditto. This sock is going rather fatser than the first one did
- Antalya: still awaits grafting
- Weaving: my third weaving has seen the (grey) light of day again and I took it to spinning group today… adding about 7″. I need to cut the work off the loom soon, though not apparently, quite as soon as I had anticipated.
About to be FOs:
- Clapotis: washed and blocked and ready to write up this Friday. I almost lost ot this morning, when two spinning ladies asked me if I would sell it! Yes, it is that lovely.
- Norie hat: fully reknitted and washed and now drying flat. Not drying fast in this humidity. Green dye everywhere. Not a great dyeing job, Violet Green. Tsk, tsk.
I hope to have photos of both for Friday.
In the mail:
Arriving too late to be a Tuesday Show & Tell, postie brought goodies today. The Silk Road Socks book has landed, as did two skeins of sock yarn from Colorsong. The Fleece Artist Nyoni looks great – especially the Bronze, which is even nicer than it appears to be on the site. Free delivery – took 6 days.
UFO Reduction
The UFO pile shrank by one today, as I managed to give away the roving tea cosy. I’m concentrating on completing the Gordes socks at the moment but my hands do not cope well. I need to sort out a simple project from the UFO pile to knit alongside the socks. I think I’ll unearth my Ruffled Fichu project – Willit Wontit. So long as I have suitable needles, I think it is the ideal companion project. I do feel in need of something that will grow quickly.
UFO count now down to 31.
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