You know how when things break down they are almost invariably just out of warranty? Well, just for a change, I have a different story to tell.
We have a lot of bad luck with kettles. Every time that one fails on us we do extensive research in the hope of finding a good and reliable product for our next purchase. Last time our very expensive Eco kettle gave up just after 12 months’ use. We countered by investing massively in a Magimix kettle. This week its soft-close lid failed and it began shedding pieces of plastic into our boiled water. Mr L was about to start the research phase again but I suggested that, surely, a Magimix product must come with a decent warranty. It does. A whole three years of warranty, in fact. Our kettle is 2 years and 11 months old…
A call to Magimix confirmed that they will replace on production of the receipt (thank heaven for Internet purchasing!) with two stickers applied, taken from the body and base of the kettle.
That’s a bit of a boring blog post, isn’t it? But I do like to applaud good service and standards and I feel that Magimix deserve a hand clap on this one. I am afraid that life continues to be quiet and I have very little to write about. I have been baking bread and making soup and experimenting with my baking dome, and knitting. My cardigan is almost complete but has for now defeated my hands. Yesterday I needed a project to take to Spinning Group with me and I eschewed my socks in favour of a new project using handspun yarn. It seemed more appropriate, although is definitely not on The Plan. Now I am having trouble in maintaining discipline because the handspun yarn feels so very good and I want to be knitting with it.
I am trying to take more photographs than of late but nothing much seems to be coming of it. I walked to spinning yesterday and took my camera with me. The landscape looked sensational; all soft watercolours with the barley changing from green to gold and the vast blue Orkney sky full of interesting cloud. There were huge numbers of swans on Bea Loch too. My camera completely failed to grasp the beautiful subtlety of it all.

Work progresses on painting the house, but only very slowly. New fleeces for the paint rollers arrived in the mail today and hopefully will speed things up a little. Tomorrow we are going to look at a house that is for sale. If I can persuade Mr L that he likes it, I may be able to persuade him that there is no need for us to leave my beautiful island. Wish me luck.
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