Phew. The books arrived in the nick of time, after I got home from spinning today – just ten minutes before the arranged time for the sticking party. We have since then been busy with glue dots and applicator, inserting CDs securely into books.
So, here it is, our baby, in all its glory.

There’s a wine and cheese reception launch party tomorrow night. Copies will be on sale there, and thereafter on the web and through a variety of outlets in Orkney.
It looks good. I am pleased. Nay, chuffed.
I think I can call this an FO, don’t you?
All I have to do now is to make the dips for tomorrow night, finalise the Powerpoint presentation, and knock up an ordering page for the Sanday web site.
“I think I can call this an FO, don’t you?” – and How! It’s fantastic. Well done