Making headway

Mr L was deep in a fit of gloom when he rose this morning. He is very tired indeed and this may be colouring his perspective because I think that he has done a far better job than he thinks that he has.

All of the tiles are now down and we spent most of today in washing them (repeatedly) prior to sealing. Mr L is currently applying sealer with a 3″ paintbrush – the whole house reeks, Nell is whimpering about the bad smell!

Tomorrow, we grout! At least, he can grout – it looks like I shall  be hand washing underwear, as the emergency knickers have not yet been delivered.

What has been delivered, and it was a surprise to me, is a Meerkat. Alexander has been exploring the garden with me.

Alexander admires the Marsh Orchid
Alexander admires the Marsh Orchid

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