Never mind the wood, watch out for the trees

Daily Prompt: Landscape

When you gaze out your window — real or figurative — do you see the forest first, or the trees?

It has been a while since I tackled the daily prompt but when I saw this I just knew I had to respond, even if only frivolously.

Literally, first –  I have to say “neither” because there are no trees. Effectively, the island that I live on has no trees at all. Most of Orkney is treeless. I miss trees terribly and there are days when I would sell my soul for a long walk in a forest upon a hill somewhere.

I look from my window and I see grass. Grass and sheep, sometimes maybe grass and cows. Grass and livestock and sky and clouds. A huge sky with fantastic clouds, to be sure – but not a tree in sight.

Figuratively speaking  I think that when I look out of my real window I see the trees first – the small details in the landscape that catch my eye – the wren bobbing in and out of the stone wall, the oystercatcher sitting on her nest, the lapwing seeing off a raid from a passing hooded crow. Sometimes it is the shape of a cloud that grabs my attention and I outline the elephant or the seal, at other times I spot our chickens going on safari in the field next door. It takes time to absorb all the detail and then to encompass the landscape as a whole. Despite the fact that it appears quite bleak and empty at times, there is a whole lot going on.

Now, what happens when I look from my figurative window? I guess we are speaking problem-solving here – something that I am good at. I am not sure that I can claim to be either a woods or trees person. I find it easy to see the bigger picture but I also very quickly grasp the detail of the individual tasks to be undertaken. Cool in a crisis, that’s me, and quick to find a resolution.

Or perhaps we are thinking of task management, and whether or not some project appears to large to handle. I am not fazed by the size of the plantation, I can tackle it tree by tree and work my way through with my task-assassination machete. Oh, yeah.

Ms Perfect, that’s me.


More on this prompt:

  1. Daily Prompt: Landscape | psarmmiey’s Blog
  2. No Land in ‘Landscape’ | The Magic Black Book
  3. Daily Prompt: Landscape | Of Glass & Paper
  4. Daily Prompt: Landscape | Postcards from
  5. The Difference Between a Tree and a Skyscraper | Daily Prompt: Landscape | likereadingontrains
  6. The Forest or the Trees | Storm In A B-Cup
  7. In da ‘hood | Relax…
  8. Daily Prompt: Landscape | On My Front Porch
  9. Daily Prompt: Landscape | A Glimps of HOPE
  10. Of Browns and Greens to the Fresh Spring Breeze | the world behind the lens
  11. Diversity, That Starts With D And That Rhymes With T And That Stands For Trouble | The Jittery Goat
  12. Daily Post ~ The Forest First, Or The Trees? | Stories After Bedtime
  13. May 9 Daily Prompt: Landscape | Nadeen’s Reading Corner
  14. Daily Prompt: Landscape « Mama Bear Musings
  15. Daily Prompt: Landscape | Nanuschka’s Blog
  16. Daily Prompt: Landscape | JUkk
  17. The Juxtaposition | The Lifepath Dialogues
  18. Daily Prompt: Landscape | Basically Beyond Basic
  19. God’s Beautiful Creation | HpWpBp
  20. Daily Prompt: The sidewalk for the lizard | The Road 2 Cute Shoes
  21. The vista or the view | Pigments of Life
  22. Daily Prompt: Landscape | Mina Witteman
  23. DP Challenge – Landscape | hometogo232
  24. DP Challenge | hometogo232
  25. Forest and the Trees | Tommia’s Tablet
  26. Landscape – Daily Prompt Poem | Cozy Compulsions @ Midnight
  27. Daily Prompt: Landscape | ittikorn1994
  28. Daily Prompt: Landscape | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  29. The Bigger Picture | The Nameless One
  30. Daily Prompt: Landscape | writinglikeastoner
  31. I’m Putting Down My Rock | Prayers and Promises
  32. Lens Flare | Travellin’ Thru Rambles
  33. Daily Prompt: Landscape | Reviewer Rose
  34. So dig down, learn what is beneath, divulge what is below | Sofistikeyted
  35. Your Eyes in Landscape | Hasta Que mi Corazón Explote… | Until my Heart Explodes…
  36. Woman under the tree | Hope* the happy hugger
  37. The Forest… | Haiku By Ku
  38. The Forest or the Trees? #wordpress #dailypost #poetry #photography | Moondustwriter’s Blog
  39. Daily Prompt: The Trees In The Forest | My Daily Prompt Blog
  40. Dog-free Friday: What the flowers saw |
  41. TheDeafia | Daily Prompt: Landscape
  42. From My Window | Donbury Pond
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  44. Daily Prompt: Landscape – No Man Is An Island | SERENDIPITY
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  50. Stock Island | The Life Nomadik
  51. Daily Prompt: Landscape | In Other Words and Pictures
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  53. It’s not what you look at … | The Flavored Word
  54. Landscape… (Daily Prompt) | The Rider
  55. Daily Prompt: Landscape | The Blogging Path
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  67. Landscape? More Like Escape! – Daily Prompt | Edward Hotspur
  68. Daily Prompt: Landscape | My Conflicting Thoughts
  69. Post a Week: A Concrete Forest | sketches and scribbles (reloaded)
  70. Daily Prompt: Landscape | Overcoming Bloglessness
  71. Daily Prompt: Landscape | Morrighan’s Muse
  72. Daily Prompt: Landscape – Thoughts from Finchley
  73. through the big window, i see life | không gian ?a chi?u [Z]
  74. Daily Prompt: Landscape | life n me!
  75. My muse Adam sees trees and forests better than I do | 365 wings of hope
  76. Day 277. Big Picture | Three Hundred Sixty-Five
  77. The forest and the trees. | Polyprotic Amory
  78. taro night | A rainy Friday
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  80. Life Before Me | Wiley’s Wisdom
  81. 9.5 Daily Prompt: Landscape | family photos food & craft

One Comment

  1. May 11, 2013

    On days when the wind is whipping through the trees and we are facing a possible tornado, I would almost be glad to send you our trees that stand so majestic in our front yard. On the calm hot days is when I appreciate their shadows. It is all about the perspective in life. Thank you for sharing yours.

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