No prizes for guessing

Nobody guessed why “Sky and Water” before the scarf was finished (Yay – I get to keep all of my cashmere!), and now that I have set up a new Ravelry project for the second version and have Sky and Water I and Sky and Water II in place, it should be pretty obvious.

“This sheer rectangle scarf features a pinwheeling arabesque motif of the kind found in Islamic art and architecture throughout Andalusia and southern Spain”


MC Escher was heavily influenced by Moorish art and was

“impressed by the Italian countryside and by the Alhambra, a fourteenth-century Moorish castle in Granada, Spain.”



“After his journey to the Alhambra, Escher tried to improve upon the art works of the Moors using geometric grids as the basis for his sketches, which he then overlaid with additional designs, mainly animals such as birds and lions.”


So, add the two together with the colours of the cashmere and what do you get? Sky and Water – and the fact that there will now be two versions is merely a happy accident.

Clearly, I must choose a sky colour for this version, and have one of each colour group. The temptation to completely reproduce the first one is great, the colour really is fantastic when seen with the naked eye. The other shades might not have the same impact on the show bench.

Yes, we are aiming to have it done in time. As well as the Merope socks. And possibly a Morning Surf wrap-sized project as well.

And, no, there isn’t enough time, and me with a baby to knit for too…

Baby ETA: 16th December 2008. I already sent away for the BSJ pattern. I just need yarn now. Send me your sock leftovers please, and I’ll scoot into a production of my own. 😉

Oh – socks, ripped back and re-established and part way down the gusset now, thank you for asking. It would be good to get down to the toe today, but I can’t see that happening.


  1. July 8, 2008

    Baby?? I must have missed something!

  2. July 8, 2008

    I heard from a friend from a previous life of mine that he and his wife are expecting a little ‘un close to Xmas time. A really good excuse to knit something other than scarves and socks!

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