The not so sweet smell of emulsion

Feeling down in the dumps today. After all of the initial shock and excitement there has been nothing but silence. Not even static on the line. A direct enquiry regarding whether a survey is wanted has met with nil response.

I should have known better. House-buying and selling is a process that leads only to misery and stress. It is never a good thing. Why I allowed myself to become excited this time, I shall never know.

I think that Mr L is feeling much the same way as he has now returned to DIY and prepping the house for formally marketing it. The smell of paint is on the air once more.

As for me, I’ve been doing too much sorting out and packing and my back has gone crunch on me. Not too badly this time; I am not in bed with it but am moving with caution and have stopped slinging packing crates about with abandon.

We are returning to planning the French trip and working on the original plan of just going for six months come September. We still have much to look forward to, whatever happens in the short term.

Went to see my GP this week, to have a quick once over before we disappear again. Unfortunately I have to return on Tuesday coming as my veins would not behave for the nurse. She seemed very averse to more than two attempts though so I only had two sticking plasters on to come home with. Me, I would have been happy to persevere as needles do not bother me.

I think that the bar billiard table is finally leaving the premises today. There is much more that we need to be rid of but at the moment and with everything up in the air we feel unable to shift anything that we might need in place to dress the house for further viewers.

Overall, I think that I would say that the major sense is on of being blocked. Much desire to do things but physically, mentally and logically unable to do so at this point.

I think that I need to spin for a while. Only, if I sit at my wheel all I shall be able to think about is the need to sell it!

Very fed-up.

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