No really. There is nothing here to see and I have told no tales. No, I haven’t been shopping and spending money that I do not have. No, I am not in the red at the bank.
Right. Now we have the Official Denial over and done with…

New Signature stilleto point 14″ needles in size 4.5mm.

Lovely red needles all lined up with yarn for a new project. It’s a WIP. More on that tomorrow.
The yarn is left over from my A Handsome Triangle. It is going to make another, smaller, shawl. A very lovely one. A complicated one – which is why I wanted sharp needles.
The needles were sourced in the UK. I got them from Nicola at The Yarnbox – she has a sign up club, giving 10% off all orders. These needles are so expensive that they also qualified for free p&p. They will be my last pair of Signature straights. I am excessively happy with my needles – I do believe that they are worth every penny of the premium, at least in the finer sizes they are – and would dearly love to have a full set one day, but it just isn’t going to happen. Especially since I discovered that Loop have 40cm nickel-plated straights in the KnitPro Symfonie range. I should be showing and telling on that little discovery next Tuesday… *ahem*
And, in the same post as the Signatures:

Three cones of Aromatic Cotton in Origano. It’s a DK weight cotton and it is going to make me a lacy cardigan, I think. Most probably this one:
Colourmart’s closeup of the yarn looks like this

Very summery!
The other cone is a 2/26NM 40:20:40 cash/silk/merino laceweight in a colour named Naranja. described as “soft and sort of crisp, marketed as Silkmere…” and giving 2,150 yards to the 150gm cone. Possibly for a Vernal Equinox or maybe a Maplewing but I’d rather like to use it for one big project – sadly there is insufficient for a Something Wicked This Way Comes. A Tina? it uses 1969 yards. Quite nice. But I have issues with Fiddlesticks Knitting – I am still waiting for the patterns that I ordered on May 3rd to arrive. I might consider the Tina if I can get a pattern over here. It drives me NUTS that Fiddlesticks will not provide a PDF delivery option. NUTS, NUTS, NUTS!
I set myself some goals yesterday and I met all of them: I knitted my Cecchetti up to the waist, I finished the second chart on my new shawl WIP, and I added a whole repeat to my Link scarf. I’m paying the price and I hurt today – so, not much knitting planned between now and tomorrow’s WIP post. A few rows on my sweater, half a repeat on my scarf, and just 3 rows on the shawl. Pictures and details tomorrow, after I’ve been out to Spinning.
Next week’s Show and Tell should be a doozie…
Are you still able to give me a lift to spinning tomorrow?
I’ll be round soon – between 10:30 and 10:40, I’d say