Oh, too tidy, much too tidy…

We have spent our morning preparing for the “new” iMac, which we are certain must arrive today (it was tracked in Inverness 3 days ago.) This has necessitated the raising of much dust, and the scratching of two heads – not to mention much de-tangling of cables and reassignment of power and USB sockets.

Thus you find me here, marooned in a sea of tidy, dust-free-desktop – and feeling most uncomfortable. Nothing is where my fingertips expect to find it.

We have two large L-shaped Ikea desks, which sit back to back. The “returns” are at the outer edge, the narrower sides are toward the wall. A trolley/bench thing normally resides at the centre of the return end, with some shared resources such as stationery drawers and the scanner.

What we have done is to clear off that long end to make space for the iMac. Due to the shared corner leg of the desks being central to that edge of desk configuration, the new computer will have to sit to one side or the other. As Mr L is a working man and this office is his workspace, well… I have had to relinquish space on my desk. I am sure that this is entirely fair, as I am the one most likely to make effective use of a Mac. I traded off by suggesting that my graphics tablet be plugged into the Mac when it arrives. Yes, I know this is something of a flag waving activity. Yes, I have staked my claim 🙂

So, I cleared some workspace by moving the graphics tablet, but I have also lost an acre by accepting that I do all of the scanning in this household – and I now have the scanner in my workspace. I do not regard this as too much of a drawback as it may actually encourage me to use it more often and to try doing some scanned collage work that I have had on the back burner for a long time.

The shared resources trolley has moved towards Mr L’s end of the desk space (I give him about half an hour before the yelling starts, when he bangs his shins) – making life slightly difficult when I need labels or envies. I also feel far more hemmed in than I did and I have gained some glare on my screen but, overall I think that I came off well in this reorganisation.

All that I need to do now is to tackle my filing, and learn to live with just the one filing tray, and find a chair for the new workstation (we Freecycled two good office chairs when we moved up here – damn!) Oh, and fiddle my Anglepoise into a workable position now that the scanner has ousted it from its accustomed position.

And now, we wait. The ‘plane is due in a few minutes – the mail delivery follows in around an hour. How exciting!

Spinning may suffer for a few days, while I get to grips with the Mac OS. It’s a good job that I got plenty done yesterday 🙂

My bobbin is about two thirds full now and I am eager to attempt the task of plying and to see how the yarn turns out.

In Other News: did I mention that I had almost done my ATCs for the PS3 “Air” swap? I did them in bed the other night. I deployed that cone of grey Alpaca laceweight. What could be more airy than Alpaca lace? (Yes – knitted ATCs!)